IZWA is a registered Section 21 not-for-profit organization, working towards a world without waste through public education and practical application of Zero Waste principles.

If you would like to become a member (FREE MEMBERSHIP), please download our form here.
Articles on this page:
Charter Principles
| Objectives | Structure | Sustainable Development | National Issues | Regulation

our Charter Principles

  • Redesign products and methods of production to eliminate waste by mimicking natural processes and developing closed-loops

  • Convert waste to resources for the benefits of local production and the creation of a healthy and sustainable society

  • Resist incineration and land filling in order to promote innovation in resource
    conservation and methods of production

  • Collaborate with others with common interests worldwide


“We look neither East nor West.
We face forward.”

Kwame nKrumah

*** 3 New FREE IZWA Publications for download

Zero Waste Multiculture (1.72MB)
Soil Blocks (1.79MB)
Organic Plant Nursery (3.73MB)

our Objectives

More FREE PDF Document Downloads


  • To advance the education of the public by all appropriate communication means and through supporting the elimination of waste and the associated health impacts

  • To promote and fund appropriate research for the public benefit, including education

  • To promote the effectiveness of other Zero Waste initiatives

  • To promote the principles of waste avoidance and minimisation, re-use, repair, recycling and composting, through sustainable resource management in accordance with best environmental options

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our Structure


African Proverb

"The mother of every dung beetle thinks
it is as pretty as a gazelle"

Chinese Proverb
"The person who says it cannot
be done should not interrupt
the person doing it."


  • Research and enabling access to such research
  • Training
  • Plan seminars and skillshares.
  • Lobbying
  • Promotion of Zero Waste
  • Production of accessible and implementable information
  • Acknowledge efforts in the field of Zero Waste by means of Annual Awards.
  • Co-ordinating and networking of like minded organisations, with a view to building capacity

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Zero Waste promotes genuinely Sustainable Development by:

  • Promoting clean production and sustainable consumption
  • Promoting local and localised manufacture, and import replacement
  • Being geared towards SMME development as a preferred business model
  • Increases the flow of useful resources through society
  • Promoting sustainable and safe energy sources
  • Promoting transfers of cutting edge Green technologies
  • Training of all sectors
  • Carrying out research into practical and sustainable solutions.

    Photo: City Manager Dr Sutcliffe visiting fish hatchery >

National Issues

Zero Waste
will also support and engage with programmes such as:

  • Cleaner Production (CP)
  • Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
  • Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)
  • Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption (CP&SC)
  • Resource Pricing Policies
  • Fiscal Policies – environmental fiscal reform
  • Technology Policies
  • Education Policies and Information (at primary, secondary and tertiary level)
  • Transport
  • Environmentally Sensitive Trade Policies
  • Clean Production Industrial Policies

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"Education used to be for three things:
to make good people (call that the religious purpose); to make good citizens
(call that the public or community purpose)
to make individuals their personal best so that they can lead good individual lives.

Then, in the 20th century, there stole in a bizarre concept – “human resources”for the construction economy and governance system.
It is a vile, horrible perspective that leads
to the compounds of habit-training
and attitude adjustment we call
institutional schooling.
(Adbusters – Jul/Aug 2005)

Directive-based Regulation (which mandates specific behaviour)

Photo: Visit to Inanda Biodigester

  • Bans / Technology Specific Standards
  • Permits / Site specific emission standards
  • Ambient standards
  • Trade restrictions etc.

International Conventions such as:

  • The Basel Convention
  • The Bamako Convention
  • The Stockholm Convention
  • United Nations Convention on Desertification (UNCCD)
  • United Nations Convention on BioDiversity (CBD)
  • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) - the Kyoto Agreement is subsidiary to the UNFCC
  • Ramsar Convention (wetlands/ birds)
  • And others

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