More on Muna 
Muna trains people in Zero Waste; Clean Production; Renewable Energy; Sustainable and Organic Agriculture, and other important environmental matters. In his professional capacity, he tries to ensure that companies and government practice the best possible environmental approaches, whether they are doing an Environmental Impact Assessment, or developing a Waste Management Strategy. He has carried out Environmental Impact Assessments; Public Participation; Policy Development; International Best Practice implementation and training; Developing sound waste management and emission minimisation strategies and solutions; presents papers at various local, national and international fora, from New Zealand to California. He has also advised members of various governments, and government processes, such as Norway, Australia and others.
Muna has presented papers from New Zealand to the USA, and is a sought after speaker at environmental conferences, from the Durban Chamber of Business, to the Local Governments for Sustainability International Congress (ICLEI), he has spoken at too many different local, national and international fora to mention. He appears on television, radio and print media on a regular, even monthly, basis. The list is too long to capture herein.
In his position of National Co-ordinator for IZWA (the Institute for Zero Waste in Africa), he is concerned with issues of pollution avoidance and sustainable development, particularly with local and localised economies.